Sorry, had to blow off the dust there, cough, cough ;)
So where did I go? Well I've been locked away in a dreary dungeon busy self evaluating and trying to tap out some new goals on my stone tablet. Tap, Tap, Tap! Who do I want to be when I grow up? What do I want to do before I die? What do I want to be remembered for when my days on this earth are over? And of course..Oh crap, it almost summer! What do I want to look like on the beach? Do I want to carry myself confidently or do I want to be stumbling around spending all my time trying to figure out how to hide my pouchy belly? Not a good visual, sorry :(
Luckily there's still time! Not much, but some. And not much calls for some immediate action...

And their off! Oh wait, silly me, it's me who needs to step up to the line! So what do I want? Well only to be ripped, built, confident, to have a sleek flat quarter bouncing tight belly, shoulders that pop and biceps that rock. I want energy that never ends, skin that radiates across the room, the flexibility of a gymnast, the agility of Spiderman, the speed of Underdog and the strength of Superman! Not too much for a girl to ask? Oh, wait, I forgot to add that I want all of this on a vegan diet!
Impossible? Some may say. I say :P
A plan. Who has a plan?? Is there a plan?? Help....!
Ahh, there it is ...
Since time is running short, I'm pulling out all the stops and I am going to experiment with carb cycling. I have never done this so I am hoping all the hype lives up to it's claims. My week will be organized like this...
S…Low Carb…Protein, veggies
M…Moderate Carb…Protein, veggies and adding in fruit
T..Low Carb…Protein, veggies
W…High Carb…adding in unprocessed carbs to protein, veggies, fruit
Th…Low Carb
F…High Carb
Sa…Low Carb
And as for my workouts…
Ok, confession!! I have workout ADD! I like change, I get bored. For the most part I am hitting the weights every M,W,F alternating push and pull muscle days. Sometimes I am in the mood for heavy straight sets; sometimes I feel like adding in plyos and creating a circuit workout; and sometimes using drop sets, x-reps, rest pause…sounds like fun. I do keep a detailed excel sheet to track my weights and reps so no matter what I am in the mood for I know how to challenge myself.
Then on T, Th, Sa I do some kind of cardio…sometimes long slow steady, sometimes HIIT, and sometimes plyometrics or Taekwondo inspired (2nd confession…while I LOVE hitting the iron…the cardio not so much, so consistency has been a problem for me in the past) But that was the old me right? Now I am consistency personified ;)
Beginning stats…Icckkk!
Age...................44 y/o
height................5’ 2 ½”
shoulders.............38 1/2"
Waist at thinnest.....27 1/2 "
Belly button..........30 1/2"
Abs at widest.........32 1/8"
Hips..................34 3/4"
Thigh.................21 1/8"
Flexed bicep..........12 5/8"
Where am I going from here? Will I be back? Am I going to hide back in my dungeon? Will I be captured and eaten by bears? Oh gosh I hope not!
But starting tomorrow I will log my foods and workouts. I will probably redo the measurements every 2 weeks?? Maybe, or 3?? Not sure, but stay with me and I promise I'll hammer it out! And I may even ramble on about life, obstacles, other hopes and dreams, or some more incessant babbling about who I want to be when I grow up!
Till tomorrow!